Lumia 520 RM-914 Nokia Dead boot Firmware

Prepared the following 

1. Windows Device Recovery Tool
2. CMD (command prompt windows 7 32bit)
3. Make sure battery is atleast 50% charge
4. Package Firmware FFU you can download Here
5. Create folder C:/rm914 and copy the HEX file and MBN file also VPL and FFU
and rename the FFU files to 1.ffu
6. Also internet connection
7. create folder name dump in C:\ it should be C:\dump
8. Dead Lumia phone (emergency boot driver)

First instal windows device recovery tools if update ask its automatically update.
Search the cmd.exe to windows system folder
then copy to (X:\Program Files\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool ) X is your destination Program.
Open CMD.EXE that copy earlier in program files
We start now to create 2 files need to flash the emergency mode of  lumia deadboot

This command line to extract gtp0.bin from ffu image in C:/rm914 and write this command on cmd.exe

thor2 -mode ffureader -ffufile "C:\rm-914\1.ffu" -dump_gpt -filedir C:\dump

Connect the lumia phone with battery to PC usb then press enter to start cmd.exe
Its create two files gpt0.bin and gpt1.bin in C:\dump
this command will create gpt0.bin and rename it as msimage.mbn

1.Now you have  msimage.mbn

2. Need also HEX file to revive a deadboot lumia phone
Hex file example mine is FAST8930_FAME_ROW.hex i download that i told above have  Package Firmware FFU.

Rename the FAST8930_FAME_ROW.hex to HEX.hex
Copy the 2 files  (msimage.mbn and HEX.hex) to (X:\Program Files\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool ) X is your destination Program.

Reopen CMD.EXE  again write this command to flash the hex and mbn to device

thor2 -mode emergency -hexfile HEX.hex -mbnfile msimage.mbn -orig_gpt

Note : The result may be like this as many i try depending of models

NO_CONNECTION_FOUND - means Phone not detected
issue is no proper driver or proper connection

ERROR_MSG_SEND_RECEIVE_FAILED - means hex file not working ,Maybe wrong Hex file you download

SAFE hex file was used and unallowed memory address was being written PROBABLY - means bootloader flashed
Reboot the phone (pull usb and battery out)
If you still get QHSUSB, try again. 

Its lucky if  one try flash its success
You should get Red screen in 8 tries to write this command in cmd until its vibrate
Note : Don't remove battery within 5-8 tries in every flashing this command

If you succeed, The Red Screen with NOKIA logo appear, Congratulation ! the phone is unbrick
its revive now from deadboot (emergency boot),

Now flash the VPL file ,Write this command to cmd.exe 

thor2.exe -mode vpl -maxtransfersizekb 1 -vplfile C:\rm914\yourfile.vpl

don't disconnect battery press hold volume down+power in 10seconds until its off  then
remove press power don't remove volume down then press again the power button 
remove all press when its vibrate then connect to PC usb then hit start the cmd.exe

After flash success the vpl proceed now to FULL flash program the phone by using 
windows device recovery tools
Open this tool close all cmd command then re insert the phone in power off mode
the Tools automatic flash the phone it takes time to upgrade via live update

For Professional technician it can browse it the entire firmware by using setting in this tools
but need same product code given that you can see in back housing sticker on device
The product code package firmware and the product code that detect automatically by windows device recovery tools must be same to order to use this action to flash offline the lumia phone
or if this not same, result its deadboot emergency boot again Do it at your own risk

Prepared and Tested by 
Not same to Lumia 520 RM-914 click> HERE nokia 520 rm-915 

NOTE: Before Writing ROM to your device, Extract the downloaded compressed file and provide given password if asked, Please read first the (How to safe flash/Reprogram your device?) Do it at your own risk, After flashed the device is set automatic in reset condition, All your user data is lost. Make sure you full BACK-UP the device first before to proceed flashing your phone for future purposes.

Feel free tell to Admin about Invalid / Missing Download Link, Admin will FIX problem as soon as posibble... Some question will help you about (How to Download Firmware and password?) You can contact us at a main page with author Gmail,FB for fast response..


  1. Thor 2 emergency flashv1_error_msg_send_recived_failed

    1. ERROR_MSG_SEND_RECEIVE_FAILED - means hex file not working ,Maybe wrong Hex file you download.
      Check your model exactly may be can help to find Version model link below,

  2. think you
    bat this error code 84102 (0x14886) put

    Sending OPEN_MULTI_REQ
    Received valid response to OPEN_MULTI_REQ
    Programming image m
    Image opened successfully for reading
    Uploading MBN image 70
    SAFE hex file was used and unallowed memory address was being written.
    Reset the device and use the correct HEX file.
    Emergency messaging closed successfully
    Operation took about 19.00 seconds.

    Unknown error code.

    THOR2 exited with error code 85034 (0x14C2A)


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